Friday, November 30, 2012

Le Ciel ca Existe pour de Vrai!

de Todd Burpo

Je pose toujours des questions a mon pere au sujet de la religion, de l'actualite, de nouvelles technologies, etc. Le college ou je vais, est un college catholique. Je suis donc catholique. Un jour, pendant que je faisais mes devoirs dans ma chambre, mon pere frappa a la porte et entra avec un livre a la main. Il me dit:  " Adam, Je pense que tu vas aimer ce livre". Je lui ai repondu que je commencerai a le lire le soir meme avant de me coucher. Je lui ai demande pourquoi il pensait que je serai interesse par ce livre. Il m'a assure que l'histoire me plaira beaucoup. Il s'agit de l'histoire d'un petit garcon qui meurt sur la table d'operation pendant plusieurs minutes. Les medecins ont reussi a le reanime.

Il etait dans l'autre monde pendant quelques minutes seulement, mais pour lui plusieurs jours se sont ecoules et il y a vecu de merveilleux moments. Le titre du livre est: "Le Ciel ca Existe pour de Vrai!". Je n'etais pas sur que ca allait etre passionant et meme barbant, me je fus agreablement surpris. Le petit garcon avait 3 ans au moment de l'operation. Ce que Colton (le petit garcon) raconte a ses parents est phenomenal. Que vous croyez en Dieu ou non, que vous croyez en l'au-dela ou non, je vous recommande ce livre. Il vous captivera comme il m'a moi-meme captive. Vous ne pourrez pas le poser tant que vous ne l'aurez pas termine. Je l'ai lu en 3 jours. Si vous etes curieux sur ce sujet la, vous vous devez de lire ce livre. Vous ne le regretterez pas.

Bonne lecture les amis.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy

Houses burnt down
Atlantic City
Hurricane Sandy is a hurricane that recently damaged the Northeast of the U.S. badly, mainly New York and New Jersey. Even though the hurricane was category 1, with the storm surge and the freezing temperatures, it came down on those states pretty hard. It destroyed homes, and the people were left out there in the cold! Most people didn't have fire or another source to keep them warm. The people of the Northeast usually don't expect hurricanes because hurricanes usually hit the southern U.S. In New York, the subways got flooded, which is horrible because a great number of New Yorkers use the subways as their mean of transportation. On top of that, there is a Nor'easter storm coming from up north, that will hit the Northeastern states again! People in the south, expect hurricanes during hurricane season to hit them. So they always get ready. In my household, when hurricane season start, we start buying bottled water, canned goods, batteries, etc. When we find out there is a hurricane hitting where we are, my dad and grandpa start shuttering up the windows 3-4 days prior of when the storm hits. When hurricanes have hit my house, I am usually calm, because I know I have all the supplies and things I need to survive the hurricane. On the other hand, most people in the north don't expect hurricanes, so they don't prepare during the hurricane season because they don't think that a hurricane will hit them. In my school, they asked everyone to bring 5 dollars for the people in the Northeast that were affected by the hurricane. All our money goes to the parish, then the money of the parish plus the schools, goes to the Archdiocese. From there it goes to services like the red cross. I am sure my school isn't the only school that is doing that. So all our money combined, can really help the Northeast! If you feel bad for the people of the Northeast and really want to help, feel free to donate money, clothes, food, etc. Well, until next time readers...
Flooded subway

Damaged House
flooded street

diver swimming in the subway!

Seaside Heights, New Jersey



La Marque d'Athena, de Rick Riordan

La Marque d'Athena est le 3e livre de la serie "Les Heros d'Olympe". Il s'agit de 7 demi-dieux qui partent en quete pour fermer les portes de la mort. Le long du chemin, ils rencontrent plus de problemes qu'ils ne peuvent resoudre. La Marque d'Athena est le chemin que les enfants d'Athena doivent suivre au moins une fois dans leur vie.

Le Parthenos d'Athena
 Ils essayent de trouver le Parthenos d'Athena, mais aucun enfant d'Athena ne l'a jamais trouve. Tout du  moins jusqu'a ce que Annabeth Chase releve le defi de la Marque d'Athena et trouve la statue. Le seul probleme est que la statue et protegee par en guardien: "Le Tisseur de Toile".

J'ai beaucoup aime ce livre comme les 2 autres avant lui de la meme serie. J'etais un peu decu parce que la guerre entre Gaea et les dieux allies des demi-dieux. Je pensait que la guerre aurait lieu dans ce livre, mais non. Ce sera certainement pour le prochain livre, helas il nous faudra attendre l'automne prochain pour la parution du volume suivant. Tout etait genial dans ce livre. Je le reccomande a tous ceux qui aiment la Mythologie Greco-Romaine. A la prochaine fois lecteurs.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Today is the day of the 2012 presidential election. It is a long ballot. The two candidates running for office are: Barack Obama (Former President of the U.S.) and Mitt Romney ( Former Governor of Massachusetts). What sucks is that in the next presidential election, I will not be able to vote, because I will be 17. You need to be at least 18-years-old to vote in the U.S. elections. So I have to wait 8 more years while everyone in my class has to wait 4. Maybe they will lower the age. Who knows? I can't wait to see the results of the presidential election tomorrow. In this election there are very long ballots, some people have waited 5 hours just to vote. People say it takes about 30 minutes to finish the ballot. This election will be very close because the numbers are very close. Well, may the best man win!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Finally a Teenager!

13 is the age! It's the age where you are officially a "teenager". Today Nov 5, is my birthday. I am finally a teenager. Now, that can be good, or that can be bad. It's good because you experience new things like: growing at a very fast rate, voice getting deeper, and mixed emotions. I got a haircut the yesterday and now I  look like a new person! I like the haircut, I think it makes me look older, but not too old. It's a short haircut and is so easy to take care of, when with long hair you have to brush it, wash it well, and do a whole bunch of other stuff. So my opinion is that I like short hair better.

I am the youngest in my grade because I started school early. So it's kind of weird to be turning 13 when everyone else is turning 14. It doesn't affect my grades or the way I act so i'm okay with it. That's basically it, for this posting. Until next time...