COD-MW2 stands for: Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 2. I recently got an Xbox 360, and this is one of the games I got. This is a Firs Person Shooter (FPS) military game style. You can go online against other people and level up. While you level up, there is also new guns, perks, attachments etc. This game is Mature 17+ but if you are below that age level, you can still buy it if you have a parent/guardian with you when you are buying the game. This game is a team game and is lots of fun to play with friends. It has different modes like: Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Search and Destroy, Team Tactical and a lot more.
I like this game because there are so many modes, you can also do the Campaign, which is like a story mode. The story of the game. I give this game 5 stars because it is addicting and fun to play! Be sure to check it out, and watch some gameplays of it too. Well, until next time.....
I created this blog just to share my thoughts about stuff that goes on in a life of a teenager. You'll find all types of posts from movies i've seen to stories about life in general.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Le Ciel ca Existe pour de Vrai!
de Todd Burpo
Je pose toujours des questions a mon pere au sujet de la religion, de l'actualite, de nouvelles technologies, etc. Le college ou je vais, est un college catholique. Je suis donc catholique. Un jour, pendant que je faisais mes devoirs dans ma chambre, mon pere frappa a la porte et entra avec un livre a la main. Il me dit: " Adam, Je pense que tu vas aimer ce livre". Je lui ai repondu que je commencerai a le lire le soir meme avant de me coucher. Je lui ai demande pourquoi il pensait que je serai interesse par ce livre. Il m'a assure que l'histoire me plaira beaucoup. Il s'agit de l'histoire d'un petit garcon qui meurt sur la table d'operation pendant plusieurs minutes. Les medecins ont reussi a le reanime.
Il etait dans l'autre monde pendant quelques minutes seulement, mais pour lui plusieurs jours se sont ecoules et il y a vecu de merveilleux moments. Le titre du livre est: "Le Ciel ca Existe pour de Vrai!". Je n'etais pas sur que ca allait etre passionant et meme barbant, me je fus agreablement surpris. Le petit garcon avait 3 ans au moment de l'operation. Ce que Colton (le petit garcon) raconte a ses parents est phenomenal. Que vous croyez en Dieu ou non, que vous croyez en l'au-dela ou non, je vous recommande ce livre. Il vous captivera comme il m'a moi-meme captive. Vous ne pourrez pas le poser tant que vous ne l'aurez pas termine. Je l'ai lu en 3 jours. Si vous etes curieux sur ce sujet la, vous vous devez de lire ce livre. Vous ne le regretterez pas.
Bonne lecture les amis.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy |
Houses burnt down |
Atlantic City |
Flooded subway |
Damaged House |
flooded street |
diver swimming in the subway! |
Seaside Heights, New Jersey |
La Marque d'Athena, de Rick Riordan
Le Parthenos d'Athena |
J'ai beaucoup aime ce livre comme les 2 autres avant lui de la meme serie. J'etais un peu decu parce que la guerre entre Gaea et les dieux allies des demi-dieux. Je pensait que la guerre aurait lieu dans ce livre, mais non. Ce sera certainement pour le prochain livre, helas il nous faudra attendre l'automne prochain pour la parution du volume suivant. Tout etait genial dans ce livre. Je le reccomande a tous ceux qui aiment la Mythologie Greco-Romaine. A la prochaine fois lecteurs.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day
Monday, November 5, 2012
Finally a Teenager!
13 is the age! It's the age where you are officially a "teenager". Today Nov 5, is my birthday. I am finally a teenager. Now, that can be good, or that can be bad. It's good because you experience new things like: growing at a very fast rate, voice getting deeper, and mixed emotions. I got a haircut the yesterday and now I look like a new person! I like the haircut, I think it makes me look older, but not too old. It's a short haircut and is so easy to take care of, when with long hair you have to brush it, wash it well, and do a whole bunch of other stuff. So my opinion is that I like short hair better.
I am the youngest in my grade because I started school early. So it's kind of weird to be turning 13 when everyone else is turning 14. It doesn't affect my grades or the way I act so i'm okay with it. That's basically it, for this posting. Until next time...
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Mark of Athena - Book Review
The Mark of Athena is the third book of the series "The Heroes of Olympus." It is about 7 demigods who go on a quest to close the doors of death, and along the way find more troubles that they have to solve. The Mark of Athena is the path the children of Athena have to take in their lifetime. They try to find the Athena Parthenos, but no Athena child has ever found it. Until Annabeth Chase takes up the Mark and find the statue which is guarded by...."THE WEAVER."
I really enjoyed this book just like the two other books before it. I was kind of bummed out because the war between Gaea and the Gods and Demigods didn't occur in this book. I am guessing it is in the next book, but its coming out next fall! Oh well i will have to wait. All in all this book was outstanding! I recommend it to greek/roman mythology lovers or people who like myths. Until next time readers...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Miniature Airport!!! (Aeroport Miniature!!!)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Le Fils de Neptune
"Le Fils de Neptune". est la suite de "Le Heros Perdu". Dans ce livre, Percy Jackson et ses nouveaux amis de camp Romain, cherchent a decouvrir ce qui est arrive a tout le monde. Il a perdu la memoire, donc ne sait pas ou il est, ni comment il est arrive la. Il y a des scenes de battailles superbes comme dans le premier livre ainsi que de merveilleuses aventures. C'est genial! Je recommande de lire les deux livres.
Je donne cinq etoiles a ce livre, tout comme au precedent. C'est un mystere et on ne sait jamais a quoi s'attendre. Parfoit on croit savoir ce qui va se passer, et l'histoire se renverse completement. Il y a des parties sympa, des parties tristes et d'autres qui sont tout simplement glorieuses. C'est un livre tres bien fait. L'auteur connait bien l'Histoire Greco-Romaine et ce qu'il ecrit. Je viens juste de recevoir le 3e livre: "La Marque d'Athena". Malheureusement, ce livre n'est pas encore disponible en Francais. Peut-etre dans quelque semaines sur Des que je termine de le lire, je mettrai mes commentaires ici. A la prochaine fois.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Le Heros Perdu - Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan est mon auteur prefere. Vous le connaissez peut-etre pour sa series des "Percy Jackson", au sujet de la mythologie Grecque. Cette series est ma preferee en ce moment. Il vient de creer une nouvelle serie intitulee "Le Heros D'Olympe". C'est la suite de la serie des "Percy Jackon". Dans cette nouvelle serie, la mythologie Romaine et la mythologie Grecque se cotoient et se melangent. Le premier livre des "Heros D'Olympe", s'intitule: "Le Heros Perdu". Il s'agit d'un adolescent nomme Jason Grace. Jason est exactement comme Percy, mais du cote Romain. Il a, lui aussi, deux amis tres proches, tout comme Percy Jackson. La femme de Zeus, la Deesse Hera, a vole la memoire de Jason et de Percy, ils ne savent plus qui ils sont. Ensuite elle les a change de camps. Elle envoya Jason dans le camp Grecque et Percy dans camp Romain. Les copains de Percy du camp Grecque sont a sa recherche et tentent de decouvrir ce qui est arrive a Percy et Jason.
J'ai aime lire les aventures de Jason au camp des Demi-Sang, et voir ce qui change de celles de Percy. Je recommande ce livre a tout le monde. On apprend beaucoup sur la mythologie Greco-Romaine d'une facon marrante. Je ne me rend meme pas compte que j'apprend. C'est en parlant avec mon pere que j'ai realise que je connaissais bien la mythologie Greco-Romaine. Mon pere me parlait de l'antiquite Grecque et Romaine et de leurs dieux, un jour. Il a ete surpris de voir que je connaissais tres bien la genealogie de dieux Grecques et Romains. Je pensais que c'etait fictif, mon pere me parlait de mythologie et moi je parlais des livres de Percy Jackson :).
Les batailles dans le bouquin sont phenomenales. Elles sont decrites d'une facon tres detaillees et tres realistes. On a l'impression qu'on est en plein millieu de l'action. Je donnerai 5 etoiles a ce bouquin. Bon, mes chers lecteurs, a la prochaine fois.
Bonne lecture,
Free Lunch!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Son of Neptune- Book Review
"The Son of Neptune", is the sequel to, "The Lost Hero". This book is about Percy Jackson in the Roman camp and the people at the camp who are trying to help him find out what happened to everyone. He has no memory, so he doesn't know where he is or how he got there. There are awesome quests and battles just like in the first book. It is great, I recommend that you read both books.
I rate this book 5 stars just like the last one! It is a mystery and you never know what to expect. Sometimes you think you know what will happen, and it just turns the story around. There are sad parts, cool parts, and glorious parts. It's a well put-together book. The author knows his History and what he's writing about. I can't wait till I read the third book that just came out, "The Mark of Athena".
The Lost Hero- Book Review
Rick Riordan is my favorite author. You may know him for his Percy Jackson Series, about Greek Mythology, which is my favorite series at the moment. He made a new series called, "The Heroes of Olympus". It is a sequel to the Percy Jackson Series. In this new series, Roman Mythology mixes with Greek Mythology. The first book of "The Heroes of Olympus Series" is called, "The Lost Hero". It is about a kid named Jason Grace. Jason is just like Percy Jackson, but on the roman side. He has two other close friends, just like Percy Jackson does. The wife of Zeus, the Goddess Hera, took the memory of Percy and Jason. She then switched them around putting Jason in the Greek Camp and Percy in the Roman one. Percy's friends at the Greek Camp, are searching for Percy and trying to find out what happened to him and Jason.
I liked to read about Jason's experience at Camp Half Blood, to see how it is different from Percy's in the previous series. I recommend this book to everyone. It teaches you about Greek and Roman Mythology in a fun way. I mean, I don't even know I'm learning until I'm talking to my dad about all the gods. I realize then it's so great that I actually memorized the things in the book. The battles in the book are amazing. The way they describe is so realistic it makes you feel like you are right in the middle of the action. I would rate this book 5 stars! Well, until next time readers...
I liked to read about Jason's experience at Camp Half Blood, to see how it is different from Percy's in the previous series. I recommend this book to everyone. It teaches you about Greek and Roman Mythology in a fun way. I mean, I don't even know I'm learning until I'm talking to my dad about all the gods. I realize then it's so great that I actually memorized the things in the book. The battles in the book are amazing. The way they describe is so realistic it makes you feel like you are right in the middle of the action. I would rate this book 5 stars! Well, until next time readers...
Monday, October 8, 2012
Joyeux Halloween!
Les jours feries sont ma période préférée de l'année! Grace a eux, il n'y a pas ecole ces jours la, bien evidemment. Vous recevez des cadeaux et des friandises et passez du temps en famille. Je veux dire, qu'est-ce que vous voulez de plus?
Mais nous n'aurions pas Noël, ni Pâques, ni Halloween, ni d'autres fetes, si Jesus n'avait pas existé. Maintenant, vous devez vous dire: "Quoi? Halloween? Ce n'est pa la ou il y a des diables, des sorcières, des loups-garous et des zombies? Eh bien, si l'on remonte dans l'histoire, Halloween a commencé parce que quand les enfants celebraient la Toussaint, en se deguisant en Saint et defilaient dans leur quartier. Les gens leur donnaient des bonbons pour les féliciter de la façon dont ils s'etaient déguisés . Halloween signifie la veille de la Toussaint: "All Hallowed Eve's". La veille de la Toussaint etait la dernière fois que les mauvais esprits pouvaient faire le mal parce que le lendemain matin, ils seraient tous transformes en bons esprits. Les deguisements? Eh bien, ils sont déguisés en saints et avec le temps les gens ont fait de Halloween, un defile de créatures effrayantes et de mauvais esprits. Les saints sont sanctifies, ce qui signifie qu'ils sont comme Jésus. Donc, si il n'existait pas, il est probable que Halloween n'existerait pas non plus. Vivement Halloween juste pour que je puisse me gaver de bonbons. Je pense que c'est la fete favorite du dentiste :). Joyeux Halloween tout le monde!! A la prochaine fois. :D
We wouldn't have Christmas, Easter, nor Halloween, and i'm sure others holidays, if Jesus didn't exist. Now you are thinking: "Wait! Halloween? That's like devils, witches, werewolves and zombies. Well if you go back into the history of Halloween, it started when kids came back from all saints day practice. People would give them candy to praise them of how well they at dressing up like Saints. Halloween means all hallowed eve's. The day before all saints day was the last time the evil spirits could be evil because the next morning they would all turn nice. The dressing up? Well, they dressed up as saints and with time people made Halloween into scary creatures and bad spirits. Saints are holy which means they are like Jesus so if he was gone most likely Halloween would be gone too. I can't wait till Halloween just so I can stuff my face with candy. I think its the dentist's favorite holiday :). Well Happy Holidays everyone!!!! Until next time :D
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Como e um Dia Tipico Para um Adolescente ao Redor do Mondo
Aqui estou sentado no meu escritorio no meu quarto, conversando com meus amigos Goran e Elijah no Skype. Quizer saber como é um dia para outros adolescente em outros países. Qual é o seu dia típico?
Em um dia típico, vou para a escola às 7:00 AM. As aulas terminam às 02:45 PM. Depois da escola, vou para a prática de voleibol com a minha equipe até 5:00 PM. Às vezes, após a prática, enquanto espero para o meu pai para me pegar, Timothy, Riain, e eu jugamos ao basketball. Quando chego em casa, faço meu dever de casa, em seguida, tomo um banho. Depois disso, vou ver o meu blog. Durante o trabalho de casa costumo falar no skype ou facebook com os meus amigos. Nós ajudamos uns aos outros com lição de casa, se necessário. Depois do jantar, eu escrevo no meu blog, leo um livro e depois deito-me a dormir. No dia seguinte, começa tudo de novo.
Agora, o jantar terminou e eu estou sentado na frente do meu laptop, passando sobre o meu blog, me perguntando o que os meus primos e amigos em França, Espanha, Portugal e Brasil estão fazendo. Os adolescentes da minha idade, estariam fazendo ao redor do mundo? Como seria um dia típico? Tenho tantas perguntas que passam pela minha mente como:
Que tipo de música que eles estão ouvindo? O que os artistas e cantores que eles escutam?
O que eles estão assistindo vendo na TV? O que e que mostram de popular para adolescentes como eu?
Quais são as coisas legais que eles usam?
Qual é o lugar favorito para sair?
Quais são os filmes populares?
Quais são os passos de dança popular?
Quais são os cortes de cabelo da moda / penteados?
Na minha escola é tudo sobre esportes. A maioria das crianças estão envolvidos em pelo menos um esporte, seja em uma equipe da escola ou em uma equipe fora da escola. Para os rapazes, que jogam jogos de vídeo e conversar com amigos no Skype são coisas que fazemos muito. Quando nos reunimos fora do recinto da escola, geralmente, é para uma festa. Há pelo menos uma festa de aniversário de cada mês. Desde a minha escola é pequena a classe inteira geralmente é convidada. Caso contrário, se não e esporte ou partidos costumamos sair em grupos nos finais de semana na casa de um de nos. Deixe-me saber o que o seu dia típico é, em sua parte do mundo. Deixem um comentário abaixo! Prometo que vou responder a todos. Vou traduzir isso em espanhol e francês para os meus amigos e primos no exterior, para que eles possam participar. Bem, até a próxima vez, leitores.
My Goal
My goal for this blog was to have 1,000 views in the first week. Well, today is Saturday and at 6:30 tonight will be exactly one week since I've made my blog. I guess I was expecting too many views, but I am so surprised that I have 745 views. That is pretty good! Hopefully I will be doing this blog for much longer. Then I can get more and more people to read my posts and reach my goals! Thank you everyone who has read my blog. If you haven't subscribed or followed me yet, go ahead and do so. Well, until next time readers. :)
My First Time Ice Skating!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Volleyball Game Against High School
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Un Dia Tipico en la Vida de un Adolescente en el Mundo
Aquí estoy sentado en mi escritorio en mi recamara, hablando con mis amigos Goran y Elíjah en Skype. Preguntandome que estaria haciendo un adolescente en este momento en otro país. ¿Cuál seria un día típico para el/ella?
En un día tipico, salgo de mi casa para la escuela a las 7:00 de la manana. Las clases terminan a las 2:45 de la tarde. Después de la escuela, voy a la práctica de voleibol con mi equipo hasta las 5:00 de la tarde. A veces, después de la práctica, mientras espero a que mi padre me recogere, Timothy, Riain, y yo jugamos basketball. Cuando llego a casa, hago mi tarea, a continuación, tomo una ducha. Después de eso, compruebo mi blog. Durante la tarea tengo costumbre de pasar un rato en facebook o skype con mis amigos. Nos ayudamos mutuamente con las tareas si es necesario. Después de la cena, escribo en mi blog, leo un libro y luego voy a dormir. Al día siguiente comienza todo de nuevo.
En este momento, la cena ha terminado y estoy sentado frente a mi computadora portátil, pasando por encima de mi blog, preguntándome lo que mis primos y amigos en Francia, España, Portugal y Brasil están haciendo. ¿Qué estaran haciendo los chicos de mi edad al rededor del mundo? ¿Qual seria un dia típico para ellos? Tengo tantas preguntas que pasan por mi mente como:
¿Qué tipo de música están escuchando? ¿Qué artistas y cantantes se escuchan? ¿Qué género?
¿Qué programas están viendo en la televisión? Que muestran como programas que son populares para los adolescentes como yo?
¿Qué son las ropas interesantes que poner?
¿Cuál es el lugar favorito para pasar el rato?
¿Cuáles son las películas populares?
¿Cuáles son los pasos de baile populares?
¿Cuáles son los cortes de pelo de moda / peinados?
En mi escuela se trata mucho de deportes. La mayoría de los niños están involucrados en al menos un deporte, ya sea en un equipo de la escuela o en un equipo fuera de la escuela. Para los chicos, jugamos a videojuegos y hablamos con amigos a través de Skype. Eso son cosas que hacemos mucho. Cuando nos reunimos fuera de la escuela por lo general es para una fiesta. Hay al menos una fiesta de cumpleaños cada mes. Desde que mi escuela es pequeña el grado entero de costumbre es invitado. Quiero saber cómo es un día típico en tu parte del mundo. Deja un comentario abajo! Prometo que voy a responder a cada uno. Bueno, hasta la próxima vez, lectores.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Une Journee Typique d'un Adolescent dans le Monde
Je suis assis a mon bureau, dans ma chambre. Je discute avec mes copains Goran et Elijah sur Skype. Je me demande ce que font les ados de leur journee ailleurs dans le monde.
Typiquement, je pars pour l'ecole a 7:00. Les cours finissent a 14:45. Apres l'ecole je vais a l'entrainement de volleyball avec mon equipe jusqu'a 17 heures. Parfois, apres l'entrainment, pendant que j'attends que mon pere vienne me chercher, je joue au basket avec mes copains Riain et Timothy. On s'amuse a faire des paniers. Quand j'arrive a la maison, Je fais mes devoirs, ensuite je prend une douche. Apres ca, je jette un coup d'oeil sur mon blog. D'habitude, pendant mes devoirs, je traine sur Skype ou Facebook avec mes copains et, si il faut, on s'aide. Apre dinner, j'ecris sur mon blog, je lis un livre et ensuite je vais me coucher. Le lendemain, tout recommence.
En ce moment, j'ai fini de diner et je suis devant mon laptop, en train d'ecrire sur mon blog, me demandant ce que font mes cousins et copains de France, d'Espagne, du Portugal et du Bresil. Que font les ados mon age dans le monde entier? Comment est un jour typique pour eux? Je tellement de questions dans la tete, comme:
Dites moi quelle est votre journee typique dans votre pays. Dites le moi dans les commentaires ce-dessous.
Ce posting est la traduction du precedent en anglais, mon pere m'a aide a traduire. J'attend vos commentaires. Bon, a la prochaine fois lecteurs.
Typiquement, je pars pour l'ecole a 7:00. Les cours finissent a 14:45. Apres l'ecole je vais a l'entrainement de volleyball avec mon equipe jusqu'a 17 heures. Parfois, apres l'entrainment, pendant que j'attends que mon pere vienne me chercher, je joue au basket avec mes copains Riain et Timothy. On s'amuse a faire des paniers. Quand j'arrive a la maison, Je fais mes devoirs, ensuite je prend une douche. Apres ca, je jette un coup d'oeil sur mon blog. D'habitude, pendant mes devoirs, je traine sur Skype ou Facebook avec mes copains et, si il faut, on s'aide. Apre dinner, j'ecris sur mon blog, je lis un livre et ensuite je vais me coucher. Le lendemain, tout recommence.
En ce moment, j'ai fini de diner et je suis devant mon laptop, en train d'ecrire sur mon blog, me demandant ce que font mes cousins et copains de France, d'Espagne, du Portugal et du Bresil. Que font les ados mon age dans le monde entier? Comment est un jour typique pour eux? Je tellement de questions dans la tete, comme:
- Quel genre de musique ecoutent-ils? Quels artistes ou chanteurs aiment-ils?
- Quels shows regardent-ils a la tele?
- Quel genre de fringues?
- Quels sont les endroits sympas ou ils trainent?
- Quels sont les films populaires au cine?
- Quel genre de danse est dans le coup en ce moment?
- Quel sont les coupes de cheveux a la mode en ce moment?
Dites moi quelle est votre journee typique dans votre pays. Dites le moi dans les commentaires ce-dessous.
Ce posting est la traduction du precedent en anglais, mon pere m'a aide a traduire. J'attend vos commentaires. Bon, a la prochaine fois lecteurs.
What's a Typical Day in the Life of a Teenager Around the World
Here I am sitting at my desk in my room, talking to my friends Goran and Elijah on Skype. I am wondering what it's like for someone in another country. What is their typical day like?
On a typical day I leave for school at 7:00 AM. Classes end at 2:45 PM. After school, I go to volleyball practice with my team until 5:00 PM. Sometimes after practice, while I wait for my dad to pick me up, Timothy, Riain, and I shoot some hoops. When I get home, I do my homework, then take a shower. After that, I check my blog. During homework I usually hang out on skype or facebook with my friends. We help each other with homework if needed. After dinner, I write on my blog, read a book and then go to sleep. The next day it starts all over.
Right now, dinner is over and I'm sitting in front of my laptop, going over my blog, wondering what my cousins and friends in France, Spain, Portugal, and Brazil are doing. What are kids my age doing around the world? What is there typical day like? I have so many questions that go through my mind like:
- What kind of music are they listening to? What artists and singers do they listen to? What genre?
- What shows are they watching on TV? What shows are popular to teenagers like me?
- What are cool stuff that they wear?
- What is the favorite place to hang out?
- What are the popular movies?
- What are the popular dance moves?
- What are the trendy haircuts/hairstyles?
In my school it's all about sports. Most kids are involved in at least one sport, either in a school team or in a team outside of school. For guys, we play video games and talk to friends on Skype are things that we do a lot. When we get together outside of school grounds it usually is for a party. There is at least one birthday party every month. Since my school is small the whole grade usually gets invited. Otherwise, if its not sports or parties we usually hang out in groups on weekends at one guys house. Let me know what your typical day is like in your part of the world. Leave a comment down below! I promise I will reply to everyone. I am going to translate this in spanish and french for my friends and cousins abroad, so they can participate. Well, until next time readers.
Monday, October 1, 2012
We Are Undefeated!!
If you haven't read my last post about my last volleyball games i recommend that you read it now before this one. As you can tell by the title, yes my team beat al the other teams. We didn't even lose one set. The last set of the last game was very close. Here are the scores:
As you can see we never played the tie breaker set because it was best out of 3. We won 2 which is an automatic win. In the last game I spiked the ball and got a point. Then I served 3 times in a row and scored points for my team! Paolo was the next server and he ended the game! We all gave him a pat in the back and said, "good job!" I have to admit that the other teams played a lot better than any of the previous games. Good job for them. This Thursday we are paying a friendly match against a high school. I personally think that we are going to lose, but it is very good practice, and I would like to see how well we do against a high school. Well, till next time readers!
1st game
1st set: 25 to 15
2nd set: 25 to 12
2nd game
1st set: 25 to 16
2nd set: 25 to 18
3rd game
1st set: 25 to 6
2nd set: 25 to 23
As you can see we never played the tie breaker set because it was best out of 3. We won 2 which is an automatic win. In the last game I spiked the ball and got a point. Then I served 3 times in a row and scored points for my team! Paolo was the next server and he ended the game! We all gave him a pat in the back and said, "good job!" I have to admit that the other teams played a lot better than any of the previous games. Good job for them. This Thursday we are paying a friendly match against a high school. I personally think that we are going to lose, but it is very good practice, and I would like to see how well we do against a high school. Well, till next time readers!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Last Games of the Volleyball Season
-Adam Ribeiraud
Well, until next time readers.
- Adam Ribeiraud
Book Review- Heaven is for Real
I always ask my dad questions about religion, news, and basically anything. I attend a catholic school and believe in the Catholic Religion. One day I was in my room doing homework. My dad knocks and comes in. He says: "Adam I think you'll like this book." I replied: "Thank You." I look at the book. It's called "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo. At first I thought that it would be boring, but it's actually pretty interesting. It's about a 3 year-old-boy got really sick and died for a short amount of time. Then the doctors brought him back to life, and he explains his experience in heaven to his parents.
This book was very interesting. I was amazed at what Colton (the 3 year old) said. It is an inspirational book. I recommend it to anyone even if you don't believe in God, because it is very interesting. You never know what to expect...
This book was very interesting. I was amazed at what Colton (the 3 year old) said. It is an inspirational book. I recommend it to anyone even if you don't believe in God, because it is very interesting. You never know what to expect...
Emily's Party
If you read my last post you would know about Emily's Party. I recommend reading my last post before this one. So, yesterday I published my post and started getting ready for the party. Jeans aren't my favorite thing to wear because they feel uncomfortable at the beginning. So I got dressed and told my mom that I'm ready. She got her purse and we walked out the door. We had to stop by a WinnDixie to buy Emily a $15 iTunes Gift Card and a Birthday Card. We got down and walked into WinnDixie. We got a funny birthday card and the last $15 iTunes Gift Card.The lines were long but when we finally got to the cash register. Guess what happened? The card didn't scan. We were already late to the party by 10 minutes, now we had to go to another store and hope that there is a card there that works. So, I told my mom, "Mom lets see if the new Walmart has it." My mom said, "Alright lets go." So we got back into the car and drove to Walmart. It wasn't that far away. When we got inside we looked around and after about 5 minutes we found the card. We waited in line and of course like any kid, I asked my mom if I could get some chips and gum. She said, "yes." We bought the items and got into the car.
We were even more late by making another stop at Walmart to get the Gift Card. So, while my mom was driving I wrote Emily's name on the envelope and put both cards inside. I sealed it. I opened my bag of chips and gave some to my mom. They were sweet plantain chips. So when we finally get to her house, I see that the party is inside. I don't usually like dance parties inside because there isn't that much space, but there was space inside her house. So, I knocked on the door and Emily's mom opened the door. My mom and I said, "hello" and walked inside. I put her present on the table with all the other presents. I see my friend Paolo and walk over to him. He said "dude where have you been?" I said "I was sick and wasn't planning to go to this party. He said, "okay." I walked over to the drinks and got a coke. Then 4 more friends come running over and Riain says, "Dude someone called you an owl!" I didn't get the joke. So I didn't say anything for about 10 seconds, and then I said, "okay?" He says it again, "DUDE SOMEONE CALLED YOU AN OWL!" and I say, "what?" Then Ethan says, "Someone called you an owl!" Then they finally gave up and said, "your supposed to say who!" I said, "oh! I get it." Then we all broke out into laughter and they asked me where have I been. I told them what happened.
Let me tell you this, I am NOT a dancer. So, I am just chilling with my friends talking. Then I see 5 bowls filled with candy! All types from chocolate to jolly ranchers. I get up and walk to the bowls. I grab a twizzler (liquorice). I go back and sit down next to my friends. Then this song comes on that everyone likes because the video is so funny and the dance is so fun. This song started on youtube and has over 300 million views. It's called, "PSY-Gangnam Style." The dance is supposed to look like you are riding a horse. It is a Korean song but it is still funny to watch. So It's playing and I wait for the dancing part of the song to come. When It comes I start dancing and my friend joins me. We were laughing because the dance looks so funny but its still fun to do it. Then I sat back down and watched the people dancing. Some girls were box dancing with each other because they took classes on how to box dance and now they are using it at a party. I found it funny because they just did It in the middle of a song. Even if the song is rap music or pop. The DJ was my friend Chris who brought his laptop and was playing songs from his laptop. He was actually pretty good for a 13-year-old. Then I looked on the table where he was playing music and there was cards! He actually has his own cards. I thought that was pretty cool.
I went outside to see what her backyard was like. It was a screened-in patio with chairs layed out. It looked nice. To the right there was a door to the backyard. Her backyard isn't really big its more like a strip going around her whole house. There was a little playground with a swing. Her brother and his friend were swinging. I went back into the patio and inside. I looked around and I saw that my mom was sitting on a chair. I didn't really want my mom at a party that I'm in because it feels awkward. So, I walk up to her and I say, "mom your still here? I thought you were going to leave." She said, "do you want me to leave?" Me: "well I just don't want you sitting there by yourself aren't you bored?" She said, "no." I said,"okay." I walked back to my friends and sat down. I saw that there was a foosball table. I played against Paolo. He was good at it. I lost because I never really played foosball that much, but it was fun. Then Riain and I play against to other kids. I am just spinning one handle crazy! It actually worked and I scored about 3 times. My friend and I won. I gave my friend a high five. I walked to the candy bowls and grabbed more candy. I sat down and ate it. Then I saw my dad standing at the door. It was time to leave. So I said goodbye to all my friends and thanked Emily's mom for everything. I walked out the door and into the car. I told my dad what happened at the party. When I got home I took a shower and went to sleep.
I think this party was pretty awesome! I can't wait till the next party! There is another one coming soon. Ill write about that one too. Thank You for reading my posts and don't forget to subscribe and share if you enjoyed this! Until next time.
-Adam Ribeiraud
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My First Blog Posting
Today is a beautiful sunny day in South Florida! There is a nice breeze blowing, not too much humidity or heat (compared to the last 3 weeks where we had so much rain every single day), and not too dry, it's perfect! I could be playing basketball outside, chilling at a friends house, or at a water park. I know what your thinking: "Hey Adam, why don't you just go do all that stuff?" Well, I would love to but the problem is I have a cold, and the worst of it is that...there is a party tonight.
You see, my classmate Emily invited the whole 8th grade to her 14th birthday dance party. However, I am sick and earlier today I was thinking that I shouldn't go because my cold might get worse. As the day went on I started thinking about the party. Then I make a decision to go because my friends will be expecting me to be there. Plus, who wants to miss out on a perfectly, well put-together party? I mean, you get to hang out with your friends explore the area and do lots of things! There is food and refreshments. Its like heaven!!!
I started writing this blog because I was sick and had nothing better to do. The other day I was talking to my dad about blogs. He then encouraged me to start one. So here i am writing how my day is going. I thought it was going to be hard writing a blog and that it would be boring, but it is pretty fun. If you are reading this I recommend you starting your own blog. Maybe no one will read yours or mine? At least its worth a try. For example: The Diary of Anne Frank was just a diary of a girl in the Holocaust. Who knew that it would become a famous book? You never know what can happen. It's not like you lose anything by writing a blog either. So give it a try!
I wonder if anyone will read this blog. I am going to organize it in different sections like:
- Books I've read
- Video Games Ive Played
- Movies I've Watched
- Stories I Make Up
- Life As Seen Through the Eyes of a Teenager
How does it work? It's simple. A blog needs interaction. A writer (me) and a reader. You guys can write too. Subscribe to my blog so you will be notified when there is a new posting, and then you can comment if you liked my posts. I will read every comment and publish them as long as it isn't mean. You can give me advice or argue about a point i discussed in my blog. Kids like me will enjoy my blog or anyone else. With your help I can spread my embarrasing, interesting stories with other people! Also if you dont subscribe you cannot leave any comments. Please share my blog with your contacts. The more there are of us, the more I post and fun this will be! Happy reading till next posting.
(Well I'm off to Emily's party now).
-Adam Ribeiraud
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